As I've been posting for the last few weeks, as of tomorrow, BCN/PDX Fridays! will be closed to new members. I've got some of big plans coming down the line next year and wrapping up this leg of the Bacon Gospel is a part of the shift in focus needed to really get some of these new projects of the ground.
On that note, I've been a little remiss lately, not being able to devote as much time to this blog as I'd like. It has been months of tumult and travel, big events and even bigger plans, and now the holidays are eating up my time, too. I am a one-man show, no shop, no co-workers, employees or volunteer army, just me. There aren't enough hours in the day for me to respond to all the emails I get, comment or critique on food in the news or do the big long, informative posts I was in the habit of writing before while also working on new ideas and collaborations and organizing, sourcing and preparing food for my various farm-to-table events. With all eight arms busy, I still often find myself wondering where the day has gone why I've only gotten to half of my to-do's. With all of that, the blog has become bulletin of sorts these last few months, which is not my intention. I can assure readers that this will change after the new year, and that these projects that have been gobbling up my time will take The Ethical Butcher to new places and reach more people. I am looking forward to much more travel next year. Since I don't ship and keep things religiously local, travel is the only way to include and reach more of you. So look out 2011, bacon is coming your way!
In the meantime, bacon lovers here in Portland have just about 36 hours to sign up for BCN/PDX Fridays! This really is a special and unique installment of the Bacon Gospel, the events around the country have, and will continue to let people taste these delectable strips of sin, but BCN/PDX Fridays! is the only one where people actually get to stock their own kitchens with these slabs of bacon love! If you've been interested in joining, now is the time!
In case you need more incentive, here's all the info on BCN/PDX Fridays!:
Slabs begin as 2.5 lb pieces of local pork belly and usually end up at just over two pounds after the curing process. That is equal to more than two packages of store-bought bacon, and for only about $10/lb, this is a better deal than any commercially-made bacon, even the "fancy" stuff! Each month, members make a choice from a selection of two seasonal flavors of bacon hand-cured in everything from coffee to strawberries to vodka from my catalog of about 70 flavors that I've developed throughout the Bacon Gospel project. With your order, you will receive lots of information about my special curing process I use as well as recipe ideas to show off your unique flavors each month!! BCN/PDX bacon is always local and nitrate-/nitrite-free.
This special Last Chance promotion gets you a 6-month membership for only $125! That's a $40 discount from regular price!
Payment in full is due at time of order and can be paid by Paypal or personal check & cash by special arrangement. Slabs are ready on the first Friday of every month and The Bacon Fairy has been known to flutter around the city delivering slabs to offices and homes. Your first slab will be ready for you on January 7th!!
Join by TOMORROW!!!! NO NEW MEMBERS will be added after December 15th!
Email for more info: