
The End of the (BCN/PDX) Road

As I've been posting for the last few weeks, as of tomorrow, BCN/PDX Fridays! will be closed to new members. I've got some of big plans coming down the line next year and wrapping up this leg of the Bacon Gospel is a part of the shift in focus needed to really get some of these new projects of the ground.

On that note, I've been a little remiss lately, not being able to devote as much time to this blog as I'd like. It has been months of tumult and travel, big events and even bigger plans, and now the holidays are eating up my time, too. I am a one-man show, no shop, no co-workers, employees or volunteer army, just me. There aren't enough hours in the day for me to respond to all the emails I get, comment or critique on food in the news or do the big long, informative posts I was in the habit of writing before while also working on new ideas and collaborations and organizing, sourcing and preparing food for my various farm-to-table events. With all eight arms busy, I still often find myself wondering where the day has gone why I've only gotten to half of my to-do's. With all of that, the blog has become bulletin of sorts these last few months, which is not my intention. I can assure readers that this will change after the new year, and that these projects that have been gobbling up my time will take The Ethical Butcher to new places and reach more people. I am looking forward to much more travel next year. Since I don't ship and keep things religiously local, travel is the only way to include and reach more of you. So look out 2011, bacon is coming your way!

In the meantime, bacon lovers here in Portland have just about 36 hours to sign up for BCN/PDX Fridays! This really is a special and unique installment of the Bacon Gospel, the events around the country have, and will continue to let people taste these delectable strips of sin, but BCN/PDX Fridays! is the only one where people actually get to stock their own kitchens with these slabs of bacon love! If you've been interested in joining, now is the time!

In case you need more incentive, here's all the info on BCN/PDX Fridays!:

Slabs begin as 2.5 lb pieces of local pork belly and usually end up at just over two pounds after the curing process. That is equal to more than two packages of store-bought bacon, and for only about $10/lb, this is a better deal than any commercially-made bacon, even the "fancy" stuff! Each month, members make a choice from a selection of two seasonal flavors of bacon hand-cured in everything from coffee to strawberries to vodka from my catalog of about 70 flavors that I've developed throughout the Bacon Gospel project. With your order, you will receive lots of information about my special curing process I use as well as recipe ideas to show off your unique flavors each month!! BCN/PDX bacon is always local and nitrate-/nitrite-free.

This special Last Chance promotion gets you a 6-month membership for only $125! That's a $40 discount from regular price!

Payment in full is due at time of order and can be paid by Paypal or personal check & cash by special arrangement. Slabs are ready on the first Friday of every month and The Bacon Fairy has been known to flutter around the city delivering slabs to offices and homes. Your first slab will be ready for you on January 7th!!

Join by TOMORROW!!!! NO NEW MEMBERS will be added after December 15th!
Email for more info: theethicalbutcher@gmail.com


All Aboard!!

Last Chance BCN/PDX Fridays!
(Monty Python, Fair-trade Organic chocolate & crystallized ginger bathed in Bailey's)

As I mentioned a few weeks back, the BCN/PDX leg of The Bacon Gospel is in its waning phase. However, as I turn my attention toward new projects in the new year, I am giving more Portland Bacon Lovers an opportunity to jump on this wagon before I pull up the hitch!
Now there's just ONE MORE WEEK to hop on the train to Bacon Bliss!!
Last Chance BCN/PDX Fridays! between November 22th and December 15th to be among the final few admitted to a clan of local bacon fiends that enjoy month after month of local, heritage breed bacon in dozens of flavors. At only $125, Last Chance BCN/PDX Fridays! is a limited time offer for 6-month memberships. New members will begin receiving their slabs on the first Friday of January.

Last Chance BCN/PDX Fridays!, only $125 for 6 months of Bacon Bliss!
This is a perfect holiday gift and gift certificates are available. Just remember to join by December 15th or bid farewell to your bacon dreams forever...

(Left: Christmas in Florida, made with vodka, grapefruit, juniper and herbs. Right: Monty slices)

No new members will be added to BCN/PDX Fridays! after December 15th and full-year memberships in BCN/PDX Fridays! are no longer available.

Sign up at theethicalbutcher@gmail.com today!!


ONLY 2 Days Left!!!

BCN/PDX Winter Slabs and Slices is your ticket to having your very own supply of specialty-cured local bacon for all of your holiday meals. The flavors on offer range from sweet to savory and all of your winter favorites are on full display! Choose your slab from a list of five flavors and start dreaming of all the things you can do with your slices of heaven.

Each slab of bacon begins as a 2.5 lb slab of fresh local pork belly and gets cured in any number of ingredients ranging from rum and chocolate to ginger root and orange slices. At just $30/slab, orders for BCN/PDX Winter Slabs and Slices can be placed until December 1st. Slabs will be ready for use in your most prized recipes on Friday, December 10th and each flavor will come with a few recipes to show off its glowing flavor profile.

Here are the flavor choices. Slabs that are perfect for everything from candied bacon for desserts and thick slices for Christmas breakfast, to slices that will take your hearty stews and barded roasts to another level. Place your order by December 1st! Gift certificates available!

BCN/PDX Winter Slabs and Slices flavor choices:

*Three Seas*
Dark Chocolate, Cherry Preserves and Guajillo Chiles.

Deep, dark and dense.

*Tea and Cake*
Candied Spiced Orange & Lemon Preserves, Jasmine & Chamomile Teas

Light and floral with a bit of kick from cinnamon and cloves.

Pine, Juniper Berries, Rosemary, Sage, Lavender, Maple Syrup & Scotch Whiskey

Full of winter warmth and woodsy aromas.

*First Snow*
House Spirits Distillery Whiskey, Triple Ginger (ground, fresh and crystallized), Orange Zest, Black Pepper, Nutmeg, Brown Sugar and Molasses

Imagine a gingerbread house made out of bacon and you'll be close to the perfection of this
combination of holiday classics.

*Christmas in Florida*
Vodka, Grapefruit, Juniper Berries, Cloves, Tarragon

Bright and cheery with a clean sharpness.

Place orders for BCN/PDX Winter Slabs and Slices until December 1st!
Just $30/slab!! Gift Certificates available!

Place your order and get more info at: theethicalbutcher@gmail.com today!


Chapters New and Old

After the hugely successful party last week, I am ready to roll out a few new projects to get you through the end of this roller coaster of a year! I've got two big announcements and am working on some BIG plans for the new year! 2011 can't come soon enough!

Last Chance BCN/PDX Fridays!

As BCN/PDX Fridays, and all BCN/PDX events are an installment of a greater ongoing project, The Bacon Gospel, I have decided it is time to close the BCN/PDX chapter of The Bacon Gospel. Coming up to the end of its second year, I’ve been happy to add each notch on my belt as I travel with this project. This year has taken me from ranches in Mendocino Valley, CA to restaurants in Covington, KY. Travel has always been central to this project, with a commitment to local sourcing and my interest in meeting and working directly with farmers and collaborating with like-minded chefs and butchers, traveling to other cities is the only way to spread this experience around, hence the aptly named Bacon Gospel. I often receive requests to ship bacon from folks in places like Boston, Vancouver, B.C. and as far away as Israel, but to me, local means local, so my products are not and never will be available for shipment. However, I jump at every opportunity to bring the bacon fairy to new people! I am lucky to be able to use heritage pork from farms all over the country and widen the web I am weaving between myself and others in this movement for sustainable food that is accessible to all. Ending this installment of The Bacon Gospel simply opens the door to many more installments all over the continent. Canadian bacon fans, don't worry, I'm coming back...

While I look forward with great anticipation for new adventures with The Bacon Gospel in the coming years and would also like to turn my focus toward a few other backburner projects, BCN/PDX Fridays have been going strong since Spring and it has been a great way to connect with Portland bacon lovers. In the spirit of wanting to extend this experience to as many PDXers as possible before I close the club to new members, I am announcing a limited time offer for a final round of enrollment in BCN/PDX Fridays!

Sign up for Last Chance BCN/PDX Fridays! between November 22th and December 15th to be among the final few admitted to a clan of local bacon fiends that enjoy month after month of local, heritage breed bacon in dozens of flavors. At only $125, Last Chance BCN/PDX Fridays! is a limited time offer for 6-month memberships. New members will begin receiving their slabs on the first Friday of January. No new members will be added to BCN/PDX Fridays! after December 15th and full-year memberships in BCN/PDX Fridays! are no longer available.

Last Chance BCN/PDX Fridays!, only $125 for 6 months of Bacon Bliss!
This is a perfect holiday gift and gift certificates are available. Just remember to join by December 15th or bid farewell to your bacon dreams forever...

Sign up at theethicalbutcher@gmail.com today!!

In other BCN/PDX news, another fun way to jump on the BCN/PDX train before it pulls away...

BCN/PDX Winter Slabs and Slices is your ticket to having your very own supply of specialty-cured local bacon for all of your holiday meals. The flavors on offer range from sweet to savory and all of your winter favorites are on full display! Choose your slab from a list of five flavors and start dreaming of all the things you can do with your slices of heaven.

Each slab of bacon begins as a 2.5 lb slab of fresh local pork belly and gets cured in any number of ingredients ranging from rum and chocolate to ginger root and orange slices. At just $30/slab, orders for BCN/PDX Winter Slabs and Slices can be placed until December 1st. Slabs will be ready for use in your most prized recipes on Friday, December 10th and each flavor will come with a few recipes to show off its glowing flavor profile.

Here are the flavor choices. Slabs that are perfect for everything from candied bacon for desserts and thick slices for Christmas breakfast, to slices that will take your hearty stews and barded roasts to another level. Place your order by December 1st! Gift certificates available!

BCN/PDX Winter Slabs and Slices flavor choices:

*Three Seas*
Dark Chocolate, Cherry Preserves and Guajillo Chiles.

Deep, dark and dense.

*Tea and Cake*
Candied Spiced Orange & Lemon Preserves, Jasmine & Chamomile Teas

Light and floral with a bit of kick from cinnamon and cloves.

Pine, Juniper Berries, Rosemary, Sage, Lavender, Maple Syrup & Scotch Whiskey

Full of winter warmth and woodsy aromas.

*First Snow*
House Spirits Distillery Whiskey, Triple Ginger (ground, fresh and crystallized), Orange Zest, Black Pepper, Nutmeg, Brown Sugar and Molasses

Imagine a gingerbread house made out of bacon and you'll be close to the perfection of this
combination of holiday classics.

*Christmas in Florida*
Vodka, Grapefruit, Juniper Berries, Cloves, Tarragon

Bright and cheery with a clean sharpness.

Place orders for BCN/PDX Winter Slabs and Slices until December 1st!
Just $30/slab!! Gift Certificates available!

Place your order and get more info at: theethicalbutcher@gmail.com today!


Primal Cuts Fête!!!! November 18th!

The Ethical Butcher presents Primal Cuts : A Raucous Book Release Celebration with Author Marissa Guggiana

Nearly a year after my very first event in Portland, I am returning to the place where it all began, The Cleaners at Ace Hotel. I held my first Heritage Breed Supper Club in this stunning space, I am so proud of the work that has gone into pulling this together and how far I’ve come since that very first event. Portland’s food scene is merging with the underground for this spectacular party that combines music, food and art in celebration of the recent release of Primal Cuts: Cooking with America’s Best Butchers. Written and photographed by Marissa Guggiana, this book is a catalogue of butchers of every stripe. It is humbling to be included among this group of 50 people as in love with this craft as I am. From fresh faces to veterans who have weathered the storm of industrial meat and supermarket takeovers, this book is an invitation into a world of blood, knives, ego, and tradition. Author Marissa Guggiana is someone I am now proud to call a friend, we spent a few days together back in spring when she interviewed me for the book ( see post: On Deck). Working together with Tia Harrison of Avedano’s, Dave the Butcher and several others to create and develop The Butcher’s Guild, we are all uniting this body of knowledge and collective drive toward a better way to grow, sell and eat meat, come get to know us!

Primal Cuts: Cooking with America’s Best Butchers does so much to advance the cause and familiarize the nation with those on the forefront of change. With interviews, photos and recipes from each butcher, as well as sections on everything from lamb butchery to curing, this book is a must for every meat lover, chef and butcher you know.

The Ethical Butcher presents Primal Cuts : A Raucous Book Release Celebration with Author Marissa Guggiana is THE event to kick off this holiday season! November 18th, 16 whole animals coming from 3 different farms, 3 chefs cooking and tons more! This party is unlike any Portland has every seen AND it is affordable for everyone! We are leaving the formalities behind for a night of food and fun. Meet and mingle with author Marissa Guggiana and others, chat me up and dance to great music. Enjoy a photo installation of all of my farm visits and a film showing the farms from which this event’s food originates. Taste everything from Smoke Apple and Red Wattle Pork handpies to BBQ Red Wattle Pork and Icelandic Lamb Spareribs. This event is not to be missed!

Only $20 presale, $30 at the door. Check out what’s in store!

*Delicious food!
Savory Pastries and Desserts by Random Order Coffee
Amuse Bouche by Salt, Fire & Time and The Ethical Butcher

* All heritage meats from local farms!
Rabbit, Duck and Chicken from Kookoolan Farms
Lamb from Dolce Farm and Orchards
Pork from Heritage Farms Northwest

* Intelligentsia Coffee!!

* Farm Photo Installation by Alison Picard & Photobooth by Bloodhound Photography

*Raffles for free signed copies of Primal Cuts by Marissa Guggiana and your very own heritage breed pork, lamb and chicken meals prepared by The Ethical Butcher.

*Music by your favorite Portland DJs!
Mr. Charming (Gaycation, Homo Deluxe)
Roy G. Biv (BENT, Homo Deluxe)
Gutter Glamour (Work!, Dirtbag)

$20 PRESALE. $30 DOOR. Buy your ticket today at theethicalbutcher@gmail.com!
Thursday, November 18th 7-11 pm
The Cleaners at Ace Hotel
403 SW 10th Avenue

After you fill up on all that local meaty goodness and get dancing to the beats at The Cleaners you’ll want to keep going! Head down the street to Beauty Bar for Homo Deluxe/Primal Cuts After Party!!

Beauty Bar
111 Southwest Ash Street, Portland


Bye Bye Brooklyn

As a farewell to this jungle of streets we call New York City, I will be presenting a four-course Prix Fixe dinner at Ortine in Prospect Heights, Brooklyn. After the supreme decadence achieved using Quattro's Game Farm Duck at the Heritage Breed Supper Club, Brooklyn, I am going for them again. On the phone today, in the kind of New York accent that makes my New York-by-Northwest heart melt, Mrs. Quattro warned me that these were "fat suckers". I laughed as I explained that I knew just how to use that fat, not to worry.

I have admired Ortine since I lived here before, check out one of my very first blog posts, a review of Ortine, here:

Ortine is a beautiful, cozy spot that makes me feel like I've stepped into a cafe in a college-y woodsy/mountain town you'd find in New England or the Northwest. Chef Sara Peck has the same commitment to local sourcing and traditional foods and preparations that I look for in all of the chefs I work with. We spent a good 5 minutes yesterday discussing her technique for the most divine, silky smooth eggs that are baked onto the breakfast pizzas served at brunch. In culinary terms, the timing is near impossible to master. I still bow to her skill and am so very excited to put out this menu with her. This is a completely perfect way to end this trip that has been so full of triumph and tumult.

The Ethical Butcher 4-Course Prix Fixe at Ortine, Nov 10th
$35/person. Dinner Hours are 5-10 pm
NO reservations required, however RSVP is strongly encouraged.
RSVP and info: theethicalbutcher@gmail.com


Rebounding in Brooklyn

I love this city! So happy to be home and ready to spread some serious Bacon Gospel. In addition to the dinner here in Brooklyn, I am announcing today a very special opportunity for New York bacon lovers. A one-time series of Curing The Ethical Butcher Way will begin next week! This series has been a big hit in Portland. This is the chance for 24 lucky and dedicated bacon lovers to head to the borough of Brooklyn to learn how to make their dreams come true!

Participants have two sessions to choose from and anyone is welcome to attend both sessions at a discounted price! Here's all the info, please email with questions or to register.

Session #1

October 25th
Curing The Ethical Butcher Way: Fruits and Flowers
More than just sweets, learn to cure with seasonal fruits, peppers, jams, and edible flowers like chamomile, lavender and roses.

November 1st
Curing The Ethical Butcher Way: After the Cure...Glazes and Crusts
This final session will focus on creative touches AFTER the cure. Some longstanding curing traditions call for rolling slabs in oatmeal or split peas before cooking, we'll also try cornmeal, rye flakes, shredded coconut and more!

Session #2

October 27th
Curing The Ethical Butcher Way: Coffee, Tea and Spirits
Curing with your favorite beverage is a fun way to enjoy flavors you love in an entirely different way! Whether you prefer tequila, single-origin coffee or Darjeeling, you'll look at your next drink in a whole new light after this class.

November 3rd
Curing The Ethical Butcher Way: After the Cure...Glazes and Crusts
This final session will focus on creative touches AFTER the cure. Some longstanding curing traditions call for rolling slabs in oatmeal or split peas before cooking, we'll also try cornmeal, rye flakes, shredded coconut and more!

Each participant will leave the class with their 5 pounds of their own bacon!
$80/session. $120 for both sessions!! Limit 12 people per session.
Contact: theeethicalbutcher@gmail.com for info on registration.

Just a few days until Heritage Breed Supper Club, Brooklyn! I am so excited to share this meal. Feeding friends is one of my favorite things in the world and to share my projects, which have grown and developed immensely since leaving NYC last year, is a very special honor. I now have Counter Culture Coffee on board for a beautiful pour-over station!

Only 6 seats left as of this posting! RESERVE TODAY!!!!!
Email: theethicalbutcher@gmail.com for info

On another note....

I have finally mentally recovered from the deeply disappointed dregs of my Canadian trip being cancelled. For those in who were looking forward to the dinners, I'll be back, with work visas in late spring. I have actually been planning a June 2011 trip to Newfoundland for a few years to document and learn about the traditional and controversial yearly seal hunt. It'll be easy to add Toronto and Montreal back into the mix and maybe in the mean time a few other Canadian east coast cities could be added. I will begin applying for the visas soon, so as to prevent another introduction Canadian Immigration folks.

I don't want to walk through the entire ordeal, but while the entire transaction was incredibly frustrating, I know the officer's rationale was legit. I was planning work in Canada and no one had thought about work visas. At least the agents are polite and respectful and I tend toward logic and reason in times of chaos and conflict. I gave up arguing pretty early into the interaction, my fate was sealed from about 90 seconds into the conversation, when the agent literally Googled my name and found this blog as well as several other articles about my dinners. The only option I was left with was to figure out how to get back into my homeland.

By some miracle, among the Toronto to NYC fares ranging from $500-1400, my helpful border agent found one for just a bit over $200. I then sat at my gate with the two border agents charged with escorting me from the Great White North. They were nice guys and didn't make me feel too criminalized. They gave me my own space for the last hour, sitting on the other side of the gate waiting area. This minute detail was not overlooked, having two armed officers escort you everywhere for a few hours gets old. Having that last hour to begin contacting friends in New York was greatly appreciated. Oh and thanks, Google.


The Good News is....

My proverbial best laid plans went horribly awry. Yesterday, I was turned away from the grand country of Canada as I attempted to enter as planned for my upcoming events. I am still reeling from this gargantuan wrench in my spokes and will write more about it after the dust settles a bit. For now, here's more info on the Brooklyn event.

Heritage Breed Supper Club, Brooklyn

Sunday, October 24th at 630 pm
Collect Pond 338 Berry St.
$35/person, $60/two. Three courses and one craft cocktail included in price.

The menu will be revealed the night of the event, but I'll tell you I am using some lovely ducks from Quattro Game Farms. Located just up in Pleasant Valley, this farm is regarded by many as the best source for local game birds. I am so excited to whop out this menu, if you have tickets already, you won't be sorry. There are still seats available, reserve today!!

Also, I will likely announce a series of Curing The Ethical Butcher Way, my bacon making class. Check back for details!


Tour Update

I am sitting at a cafe in sunny Oakland, the first few days of my trip have been great and I'm counting down the days until the Good Food Awards!

Tickets are still available for most events. Toronto dinners are completely SOLD OUT, but there is still plenty of room in the workshop! Read on for more info on Montreal and Brooklyn dinners!


Heritage Breed Supper Club, Toronto

Oct 17th, seatings at 5:30 pm & 8 pm

Grapefruit Moon 968 Bathurst Street

$30CAD/person. Three courses included in price. SOLD OUT!!! SOLD OUT!!!

Bacon for The Dot & Pig Butchery Workshop

October 19th, 6:30- 9:30 pm

Ralph Thornton Community Centre 765 Queen St East

$100CAD/person/workshop. Participants will make their own bacon & take home cuts created during workshop.

Heritage Breed Supper Club, Montréal

October 22nd, 7 pm ou 1900 h
Dépanneur Le Pick Up 7032 Waverly
$30CAD/person. Three courses included in price.

Heritage Breed Supper Club, Brooklyn

October 24 at 630 pm

274 Quincy Street, #1, Brooklyn, NY

$35/person, 2 for $60. Three courses & one cocktail included in price. GLUTEN-FREE MENU

For reservations, please contact: theethicalbutcher@gmail.com